Paul Clever's Trip to Laos 2012
Thanks to Paul Clever and his wife Nita.

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These photos below were taken by Paul and his wife on a trip to the site of the debris field in
southeastern Laos of Cap-72 in which his father along with all crewmen were lost on Feb. 5th, 1969.

Names in no particular order.
Major Lynn, H.M. Pilot Captain Burke, W.F. Co-Pilot Major Olson, R.E. Instructor Navigator Major Niggle, H.T. Navigator
TSgt Hatton, W. H Flight Mechanic SSgt Sherburn, H.L. Airborne Mission Supervisor SSgt Clever, L.J. Senior Radio Operator
Sgt Dorsey, J.V. Radio Operator Sgt Gott, R.H. Radio Operator A1C McNeil, C.L Linguist
These are the men we seek.

The recovered debris in the photo below is on display in the
Norma Brown Building on Goodfellow AFB in San Angelo, Texas.